Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Character Planning and Development

         My partner and I have been working on a Romantic drama film opening that focuses on a teenage romance. In the majority of romance dramas there is always a conflict in the relationship. The problem is either with one person in the relationship or between both. Our romance will revolve around our two main characters, Lia and Aaron. Some examples of romantic dramas are The Notebook and Titanic. In both of these movies there is a family disapproval of the character's relationship. However, with this film opening we want to focus the problem with Aaron and his personal life.
         Lia Adams, is going to be a social and friendly girl however, not a popular girl. For her character we want her style to be grungy and girly. For her style, we looked at costume design inspiration from Clueless and 10 Things I Hate About You. Some 90's trends we want for her character are mom jeans, crop tops, high tops converse, flannels, hair scarfs, and plaid skirts. Her music taste is going to be 90's grunge. For makeup we are going to keep her look natural since makeup looks in the 90's were natural. Makeup items popular in the 90's were lip gloss and eyeliner. For Lia's room we need it to match her personality and style. On her walls she is going to have band posters and posters of 90's guy celebrities. When introducing her character in the film, we want to start off by showing the audience what type of person she is from her music taste.
          Aaron Quinn is going to be our male main character. He is going to be the new kid that moved to Florida from California. Aaron is going to move into Lia's neighborhood and that when she first sees him. Aaron's style is going to be a bit more basic as compared to Lia's style. Aaron is going to have an opposite personality from Lia. He is going to be more quiet and reserved. Since he is the new kid he is not going to have many friend's at first. Aaron is into rap/hip-hop, especially rap from the west coast. He listens to artists such as Tupac, Ice Cube, and Ice T. For Aaron's outfit it's going to be kept very simple by just having him wear jeans, white shirt, old school vans, old school converse, and crew necks. This basic trend was popular among guys in the 90's. Aaron is also going to Aaron is going to be dealing with a conflict , however, we still haven't decided what conflict to have him dealing with. Aarons room is going to be more simple and more put together in order to reflect his character.

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